Apr 05, 2012 It's probably not actually in your program. But you're running it from your IDE, and what your IDE does is open up your program in a shell, and then when your program is complete, it does the.
Automatic Program Control configures Internet access only for the versions of programs that Symantec recognizes as safe. Most of the third party firewalls I know of do, Zone Alarm, TinyWall, Comodo Firewall.The firewall in NIS2014 doesn't offer a list of connections. Little snitch uninstall. SantaFeBill wrote:Russell Evans wrote:Doesn't your third party firewall offer the same? You can disable talking to a given server, if I understand the options correctly, but you have to already know from some other source that your computer is trying to connect to it.It seems like NIS2014 is using its own database to do outbound blocking, but that you can turn off the feature to allow for manual control.'
I'm VERY inexperienced in programming, I'm just learning the very basics. Anyways, I just figured out how to add a 'pause' line to keep the program from closing as soon as I run it, but now there's a nasty 'Press any key to continue' after my text. Is there a way to hide this? Thanks in advance. :)
I assume you're using system ( 'PAUSE' )
. My first inclination is to say that this solution is a bad idea anyway, and if it doesn't do exactly what you want, that's all the better for convincing you not to use it. :D
The usual recommendation for pausing a program from an IDE that terminates the hosting console when the program ends is to ask for input. For example, the following code won't terminate until you press the Enter key:
You'll eventually have problems with existing data in the stream causing this not to work, but we have a '>sticky on this forum that teaches you how to deal with that.