Feb 13, 2010 heyy use ireb rc 6 for dfu mode and then open itunes and restore the firmware from thereworked for me seriously i was so sad bfore bt now it worked. Sep 04, 2017 Re: Unable to restore device (-2) Post by kristine » Mon Sep 04, 2017 1:06 am Check your connection of USB cable,or change another computer,if you failed after multiple times, it's probably hardware problem on iPhone 6. Aug 16, 2017 I tried to update to iOS 11 but it made my iPhone stuck in recovery mode. I found 3utools to fix recovery mode stuck by restoring system to ios 10.3.3, failed. Again and again failed. Aug 16, 2017 I tried to update to iOS 11 but it made my iPhone stuck in recovery mode. I found 3utools to fix recovery mode stuck by restoring system to ios 10.3.3, failed. Again and again failed.
Install updates for your Mac. How to uninstall all little snitch things from mac to pc. If you have a PC, get updates from Microsoft. If you're using iTunes, make sure you have the latest version.
Plug your iOS device directly into your computer's USB port (not into an attached keyboard or USB hub). If you still see an error alert, try a different cable.
Turn off your computer and your device. Then turn them on again.
Here's how to restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
You might need to update, change, or uninstall software that could be interfering with your computer's connection with iTunes.
If you tried these steps and saw the error again, follow the steps for your error code.